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Little Village Fantasy

A short story derived from the series of illustrations below by Karen Hunziker

     I have a very old night-light shaped like a Tudor-style building with a cobbler inside. All the windows are different colors of stained glass. Tonight I started to draw the little building as if standing in front of it. I then found myself drawing it from different angles to create a Little Village. I was on a mission to create something very bright and transforming.

     Next thing I knew, I was lost in "Kitty Corner." A horse and carriage approached from “Windy Way” and stopped at “Lover’s Lane.” The horse turned his head towards me and said, "Your Carriage Awaits." Not wanting to miss an opportunity to ride in such a fantastic carriage, I climbed in. The horse and carriage took off down the cobbled road through town and over "Little Village Canal." It was a dreamy "Moonlight Ride". Suddenly the carriage passed “Deep Rock Canyon” where a spring flowed from the rocks. As I wondered to myself, the horse was reading my mind and asked, ”Where’s the bottom?” We arrived at “Little Village Park” where the horse stopped and I got out of the carriage. The horse turned his head, winked at me and said, ”Have a lovely evening.” I strolled along the paths under the pines trees and noticed that it resembled my yard with urns & flowers.

     The next thing I knew, a “Whirlwind” spun me around and I was sitting back down at my drawing table. The little building caught my attention and I could hear a tiny voice from the "Little Village Cobbler" call out, "Welcome Back!"

Written by Karen, Jim & Heidi

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